Sunday, February 19, 2006


Joanie "The Spiteful No Talent Bitch" Vennochi seaches the back alleys and trash can fires of metro Boston for a hack who will validate her venomous, contentless and bleak view of democratic party politics.
Alas though, the best she can do for an enabler willing to go on the record is Irwin "Tubby" Harrison, a local pollster with a Hindenburg-esque record for crashing and burning.
Tubby though, earns his porridge today by stoutly asserting the democrats are in disarray and lack ideas.
Waaal shit, where have I read that mantra before?
Not fer nothing, but has anyone heard from Tubby Harrison in last fifteen years?
His imperial high noon goes bck to 1986 and the race to succeed Tip O'Neill in the fabled Eight Congressional District. late in the primary tubby pimped a poll for the Boston Globe claiming that George Bachrach had pulled ahead of Joe Kennedy amongst "those most likely to vote". So the Boston Globe had a merry few days second guessing a Kennedy whilst Joe's campaign went into crisis mode.
Two weeks later,Kennedy took Harrison, Bachrach, A scion of the Roosevelt family and the Boston Globe out into the back yard and beat them all about the face and neck with a big electoral shovel.
Harrison has been in a blue vicious funk ever since, no doubt Joanie had to track him down to a rooming house in Milton or something.
THIS is the guy Joanie trots out to confirm her weekly diagnosis for democratic disaster??
Joanie you just aren't listening are you?
Last week I asked you to tell us YOUR big idea for 2006, not drag some poor wretch out of his den to bleat amen to this week's column!
You do know how to read don'cha Joanie?

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