Thursday, February 16, 2006

Tim Murray in Menotomy

Lt. Gubernatorial Candidate made the rounds of the local Democratic Committee yesterday.
He is a sleek well fed man who has come up through the political ranks to become Mayor of Worcester.
He criticized what he termed "The Romney Healey Administration" for their disconnect from local municipalities and the concurrent shift service costs to the property tax.
He advocated no rollback in the income tax rate until local aid is increased and services are restored.
"Fix the cuts" was the Mayor's mantra.
Murray also talked about the need to invest in commuter rail as means to foster economic development, made much of work in restoring "brown fields" (polluted industrial sites) and of his desire to reconfigure local aid formulas to suit diversity of communities in the Commonwealth.
Mayor Murray talks of empowering localities in respect of revenue development (expl. a Hotel Tax, a Meals Tax etc ) and he is a strong backer of the House version of the current health care bill.
He chided the Romney regime for leaving some twenty five judicial vacancies on the books and wants to appoint more women and minorities to the bar. Here the Lieutenant Governor does have some constitutional authority as he is authorized to chair meetings of the Governors Council.

Other than that, being a strong voice for municipalities in the corner office seems his main intention if he becomes Lieutenant Governor.

Overall, Murray is a sincere and well informed public speaker, he is no barn burner though. He is progressive on some issues and silent on others (a local income tax or the Cape Wind Farm being two thing she shied away from in the course of the meeting).
He also talked about building a strong grass roots organization in the central part of the state for the Fall Campaign. The implication here is, "vote for me and I can deliver the towns that fell away from us in 2002".
Fair enough.
I'm generally liking what I see here, Tim Murray is no Charisma Godling but he is experienced (Far more so than the woman he seeks to displace, Kerry Healey) and and able organizer.
And in a clutch, that works for me.

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