Sunday, February 18, 2007

Fabulous tantrum from Jeff Jacoby today...

all the democrats in congress were cowards and traitors and they stink and are meanies and so on as the Boston Globe's Laughing Young Senescence snarled on for some 650 words, much like a spent toddler's pre-bedtime fury.
Thisis a far cry from Jeff's whole "these are heady days for those of us in the war party" phase of a mere two years ago.
Ah but that is blood under the bridge now, even a fantasist like Jeff Jacoby has to admit things are going wrong at a breathtaking clip in Iraq, all he can hope for now is to blame the whole mishaugas on liberal democrats...which is the last refuge of monolithic conservatism whenever things go really really wrong.

It occurs to Humble Elias that since US Conservatism is less a doctrine and more a serious of interlocking myths loaded up with sheer fantasy, that the United States is paying a huge tribute in other people's blood and money so that Jeff Jacoby and the thirty percent of the lectorate who back Bush to the hilt can go on living in a political Candyland for a few more precious years.

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