Friday, February 09, 2007

Tim Russert on Imus in the Morning...

Honest to ghod, does Tim Russert have any other mode save pompous, smug and condescending?
He was on Imus this morning, seemingly unaffected by his testimony at Scooter Libby's trial, the fact that he has been outed as willing lackey of the White House bothers Phat Tim not one whit. In fact, Russert devoted a good chunk of the interview trying to make Barack Obama out to be a hypocrite...well sheee-it Tim would know all about that now wouldn't he?
For over a year, Tim Russert knew who was peddling Valerie Plame's CIA status all over town and more importantly he knew WHO that guy worked for.
Did Tim speak up?
Of course not, Tim Russert is the Vice President's b*tch...not to put too fine a point on it or anything.
If Tim Russert has a weakness it lies in his vulgar self worship, he really does see himself as a lonely crusader against hypocrisy and corruption.
Never mind the fact that in reality he is a trembling bagman for a thoroughly corrupt and dangerous Vice President, no Phat Tim looks in the mirror in the morning and Edward R. Murrow smiles back at him.
A little thing like a trial exposing him as a fraud and a sycophant isn't gonna bother Tim one jot....after all a broad helping of shamelessness is pretty much a necessity if you wanna rise in today's DC Punditariat.

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