Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Senator Orrin Hatch on Imus this morning

a more pitifully hilarious scenario couldn't be imagined outside the gin soaked remnants of the late Terry Southern's mind.
Poor Orrin, the overclass is in eclipse, it's praetorian guards are in flight...some even unto the tattered skirts of that boiling hothead Senator John McCain...and there stands Orrin, like a toddler abandoned at the mall, howling about fighting Al Queda's domestic operatives by killing more and more Iraqis.
At one point...Hatch's voice went up an octave, and quivered like a five year old on the brink of a serious sh*tfit and he stammered "Imagine what would happen if a nuclear bomb went off in New York, how discombobulated things would be?"
(quote is rough but essentially factual?)

Ghod no wonder they are all carrying on like this, they are panicking and with heavy consciences as well, they know they done wrong.

This is the imperial twilight of the National Conservative Colossus, born on election day 1968 and grown to terrible size as a sort ofglobal incubus.
Now look at it, beaten bloody, encrusted with lies and broken promises, a bum too proud to beg but not to scrupulous to steal...we see it's end it will not be pretty.

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