Sunday, September 23, 2007

Middlesex Fourth State Senate special election update:

Today Humble Elias has learned that Arlington Representative James Marzilli is an opponent of casino gambling who has characterized the Governor's plan to introduce big time gaming to the Commonwealth as a "mistake".
That is pretty big, after all, Jim was the quintessential EFD ("Early For Duval") back when Patrick was twenty full points down in the polls. Let us hope no-one takes any of it personally, today's opponent is tomorrow's ally etc etc etc.
Meanwhile I'm idly curious as to where the rest of the field is with respect to this issue, Humble Elias will attempt in future posts to track down everyone's stance on casino gambling. At the very least all this palaver about casino gamblingcould ignite a broader debate about revenues and priorities, which is a good thing, IF it happens.

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