Tuesday, April 15, 2008

California Notes...

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger after much hemming & hawing came out against a proposed anti-SSM ballot initiative, the local wowsers all screamed like stuck babcon and vowed to do awful evil things to him post-haste.
Schwarzenegger is still listlessly talking up repealing "no foreign born citizens" requirement to the Presidency, but you can tell the wind has gone out of his political sails. I mean does Orrin Hatch even call him anymore?
Arnold looks old and tired, coping with the recession sired by his pal George Bush must take up a good sixteen hours of his day.
A mere two years ago the man was the GOP's best hope going forward...now he is a hack and worse a hack caught between witchburners and small gummint fanatics.
He tried governing as a conservative, that gat no heat now he is discovering that the GOP centre is pretty stony ground all of itself.
So be it, the man seized power in a legal coup engineered by the late Enron Corp, he should have problems.

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