Monday, April 28, 2008


the wind departs movement conservatism's sails and destiny ceases to caress their fevered brows, whenever the true believers, Buckley's proverbial happy few feel desperate, they start up with the "guilt by association meme".
Such is the case with Jeff Jacoby's column in yesterday's Sunday Globe in which the laughing young senescence insists that having an ex-weatherman for a neighbor makes Senator Barack Obama a bad persom.
It is a low tactic from Jeff who as usual cuts a clumsy comical figure in the public prints with this new attempt to gain a seat at the senior bully's table in Cafeteria USA.
I really don't care what an old fool like William Ayers thinks, he is obviously a man of the past as much as John McCain or Jeff Jacoby for that matter.
What I do care about is whether or not Barack Obama can prevent me from reverting to the status of an ill-paid drudge with a temp agency.

And anyway...Jeff Jacoby ought to be grateful to the Weather Underground, it was the fear of dingbat outfits like them that helped Richard Nixon cement his hold on power.
Hell, the Committee to Re-Elect President Nixon used to hire faux hippies to picket the White House sporing "McGovern in 1972" buttons.
Ah but that is Jeff Jacoby and the modern conservative sensibility, disloyal to those what helped them back in the day.


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