Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Barnicle on Imus Today

Ahhh the Ambassador from Caucasiastan, he NEVER fails me, sentimental vain full of vulgar and patently false self worship...the man is my meat I tells yuh.

Today he actually had the gall to complain about the news media's trivialization of politics and the proliferation of gotcha adverts and the like. This was right before he threw out a few proposed "gotcha" one liners for McCain to use in the debate tonight.
Rigorous internal logic was never Mike's strong suit.
Anyway Barnicle complaining about the trivialization of politics is akin to an aging whore decrying short skirts....this is the guy who has relentlessly reduced every major question of public policy to a level of mawkish sentimentality that would not be out of place on a CW soap opera.
If Mike wants to do something about the trivialization of politics then he ought to stop writing and cease all media appearances, THAT would be a big start on raising journalistic standards right there.

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