Sunday, October 05, 2008

Starting a new job tomorrow so my blogging may become

intermittent and whimsical while I suss out the new gig.

However to recap:
Sarah Palin sez Barack Obama "pals around" with opposed to that borderline national socialist Alaskan secessionist front she and her husband supported with their money and their goodwill, no those were all true blue Americans every one.
Y'know it only just occurred to me but if I was a Russian intelligence officer and I was looking to stir some shit up in Alaska I'd be sending money to that secessionist outfit too...

Follow the money Tovarisch.

Jeff Jacoby screams for Question One today in the Globe, apparently his answer to the global financial crisis is to throw gasoline on the fire and see if that settles things. Conservative civilization is coming to an end and apparently Jeff wants to drag us all down with it, at least here in Massachusetts.

So tell me, if the bailout doesn't work...what then? Nationalize the banks completely? What instruments do we have left to meet the crisis?
And if it came to the feds taking over the banking industry...who do you want writing that legislation....A self confessed economic dunce like John McCain or Barack Obama, someone with an interest in getting value on the dollar?

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