Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Note to Citizen Beatty

the next time some woolly witted campus conservative group puts a petition in front of you to legalize concealed weapons on the quad....just fold it up neatly put it in your pocket and tell them you'll give it "deep and abiding thought".
We already let them drive cars which are UNconcealed weapons with a serious capacity for devastation...now Beatty wants to arm college students?

Good Ghod what a difference a generation makes eh? Back in 1969 such a proposal would have made John Mitchell and Richard Nixon go berserk....concealed weapons on anti war protesters? What would Nixon's beloved police and hardhats say???
Doesn't help that Beatty is running as peacenik this year claiming he'd a voted against the Iraq...just an average ordinary peace loving GOP security expert and his legions of armed college students.
Makes perfect sense to me.

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