Monday, March 30, 2009


HE is a rising man in the state legislature, freshly elected from a safe seat dee-ep in the liberal redoubt of Middlesex County.
SHE is a powerhouse in Town Hall, a former co-chair of the above politician's campaign and a one of his notable electoral allies.
So WHY is SHE allegedly making noises about challenging him in the 2010 democratic primary???
There are rumors, mere rumors though of bad blood, certain political patrons who were not hired, aspersions have allegedly been cast behind the scenes etc etc etc.
If SHE gets in, then she faces long odds, starting raising the 100K minimum to be a competitor and moving on to collecting worthwhile allies and building an organization that can project power into the precincts come election day.
But it is well known she wants out of town hall and this might be her only ticket...others have attempted the same route and gone nowhere...nevertheless, Humble Elias will keep all and sundry advised.

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