Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Mitt Romney prospers because

credulous journalists like Peter Canellos consistently misidentify his craven opportunism as "statesmanship".
If a democrat had changed his mind so relentlessly and so shamelessly purely in pursuit of higher office he or she would be pilloried and harangued til they were forced from public life.
The blood libel of all liberals in democrats in US politics is that of "indecision" which conjures crotch grabbing nightmares of Peter Sellers trying to cajole the Soviet Premier in "Dr. Strangelove" in the hearts of the American punditariat.
Romney though, need fear no such canard he has changed his mind on the issue of abortion alone some four times in the past twelve years and will change it twice more before the 2012 New Hamsphire Primary without demure one from the likes of Peter Canellos.
This howler which closes the above piece is particularly instructive:
"Last fall, when he first declared his willingness to let the carmakers fail, Romney seemed to be defying his own Michigan roots as the son of an auto executive. But as General Motors and Chrysler beg for more money amid ever-darkening prospects, Romney's position may actually be ahead of the curve; he may have seen something in the carmakers' prospects that others didn't see as clearly."

Ummm forget about last FALL Peter, last SPRING a mere six months before Romney turned hard hearted Randian on us, the Former Governor of Massachusetts was stumping Michigan howling like Huey Long gone mad on crystal meth that he'd reopen the auto factories by fair means or foul.
That does say "ahead of the curve" to me, it says "blustery and desperate" quite frankly.

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