Sunday, March 08, 2009

Jonathan Krohn

the 13 year old pundit wows C-PAC with his spirited defense of U.S.wingnuttery.
At a time when the GOP is plainly intellectually bankrupt, the kid is a rising star...or maybe movement conservatism figures to get a young vigorous man to come in after the firefight to shoot their wounded for them.
Anyway, apparently young Jonathan Krohn is being "mentored" by none other than Dollar Bill Bennett, a hearty rubicund "Washington Outsider" who has made millions in the political action committee badger game.
So no doubt young Jonathan is learning all the ins and outs attendent on creating multiple hot button issue political action committees, fundraising like a wolverine in heat and then awarding oneself a preposterously huge million dollar salary on the basis of NEVER bringing said issue to any kind of resolution.
That and the six million large Bill blew on many many under-publicized trips to the gaming tables of Las Vegas...maybe he can also teach the kid when to walk away from the big states blackjack table.
So much mentoring to be absorbed....

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