Thursday, July 30, 2009

Charlie for Governor...

Former HMO CEO Charlie Baker officially filed papers to run for Governor as a republican yesterday.
He opened the campaign with a glittering cliche' “Yeah, read my lips: No new taxes.’’
Which means what exactly if elected he'll issue some broadsides at the legislature, offer a few bills to cut the sales tax (that will never get out of committee) or if he feels reaaally passionate he'll bang the pots long and loud for a ballot question.
In other words, he'll do nothing but collect the revenue while making a fine and entirely phony pretense of anti-tax zealotry, this was Weld's routine and Baker is Bill Weld's apprentice in the Donald Trump sense of the term.
With a Governor like that Senate President Murray and the House Speaker can roll over and go back to sleep with nary a worry.
Frankly if you asked me, Baker can't promise much to the Commonwealth that is different than the policies that Governor Patrick is pursuing right now. He can't pledge more money or bigger projects so the discussion will therefore revolve around budgetary arcania, the state's own necronomicon the local aid formula and maybe some forays into public ethics.
What can Baker promise to do differently? god-damned little in the view of Humble Elias.
So count on it the debate is about to get awfully dense and oracular.

Meanwhile for the one hundredth time in three years Spiteful Joanie Vennochi writes Governor Deval Patrick's political epitaph.
Well as Elias Nugator Senior has so often said "Repetition is the soul of comedy".

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