Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Dollar Bill Bennett

was on CNN this weekend, he and host John King were puffing and blowing manfully on the feeble embers of the once reliable "democrats in disarray" meme.
I had a whole post planned detailing the sheer hilarity of a hopelessly greedy bloated gambling addict like Bill Bennett lecturing the administration on the alleged profligacy of their health care proposal.

Oh it was gonna be preemo, raving on and on about Bill's hopeless record as a political advocate (spanning four separate PACS and policy institutes each with it's own fat pay off thank yew very much) none of which has ever impeded his ability to cash in at the public and private troughs...yadda yadda yadda.
You know the drill.
But then I thought "what would really cut the Gordian know here?"
And then it hit me...President Obama ought to come out for a ten percent tax on Blackjack, the very top of William Bennett's head will disappear in a mushroom cloud and then he'll run screaming at the nearest television camera.
It'll be an inspiring display of summer time fireworks to be sure.

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