Saturday, July 04, 2009

Oh NOW I understand...

Sarah Palin is chickening out, she can't take the puny criticism and the few sharp elbows that have been thrown her way since the election so she is resigning the Alaskan Governorship and running away like one of King Arthur's knights in "Monty Python and the Holy Grail".
There is a word for this and it is cowardice.
Thass right Sarah Palin is desperate for attention is a crude adolescent fashion but she is also gutless...and that wins out every time lemme tellyuh.
This semi-quote from today's Globe is particularly suggestive:
"Palin, who has widely been seen as a leading 2012 presidential contender, said she had tired of “superficial, wasteful political blood sport.’’ She did not specify what she will do next."
Oh my lord this woman is clueless as well as gutless, she hasn't come in for ONE TENTH of the kind of criticism she'd collect after one month of campaigning in Iowa/New Hampshire. If these are her true colors (variations on yellow) then Romney will undoubtedly compel her to flee the country and campaign via shortwave from Thunder Bay before Christmas 2011.
That is if she reall wants to make the race at all, maybe her real plan is to barnstorm the lower 48 collecting Ann Coulter class speaking fees on the Campus Conservative Bundist Circuit...those dumbasses still have money to waste so I am told.

Cheap tawdry and cowardly....

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