Friday, June 19, 2015


Its a truism by now that when some twitchy geek arms himself and opts for Mass Murder in defense of his sacred beliefs and or delusions he or she usually has a shark's instinct for finding a collection of victims who cannot shoot back in any manner shape or form. Such was the case with Messr. Roof who likely drove right past The Crips and the Bloods, sat for an hour in back of the AME while the Word of God was read to him, cased the joint for any potential armed opponents and then opened fire. The NRA insists and has imposed on us a truculent vision of "an armed society is a peaceful society" (one of the most radical social engineering experiments undertaken in my lifetime it makes gay liberation look like highway beautification by comparision), but that armed society is literally never every around whenever someone goes rogue with a firearm.... I am well past the point of believing we can do anything at all about gun violence in the USA our leaders are too cowardly and too arrogant in their rotten borough fastnesses for any useful legislation...and thats without even addressing the fact that the "gun population" of the USA may be too huge for effective regulatory action. So what is to be done? Nothing. Sorry. I have no solution, and yes that is a sign of a Republic in Decline, and no I am not ready to enroll myself in the ranks of the declinists. No...I say tax corporations for 15% of the GROSS (since they are people per the Supreme Court) use the $$$ to fix Social Security and provide benefits to victims and survivors of gun violence. Thats My Big Idea Anyway....

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