Wednesday, September 03, 2003

Annoucements, Annoucements...Announce-ments!

a terrible death to die,
a terrible death to die
a terrible
yer talked to death
a terrible death to die!

Sorry summer camp memories....ah the famous wahtuka death march...
Well today John Kerry announces for President.
Oh sorry technically Kerry announced yesterday on that Aircraft Carrier-well good for him and I'm glad to see Former Senator Max Cleland is on the team.
After what happened to Cleland in 2002, I don't think Kerry can overplay the veteran's card at this point.
I am going down to his Faneuil Hall speech after doubt it'll be tough getting in there, but what the hell.
Guess who else is gonna be there?
If we are to believe the Imus program, then no less a solon than Howard Fineman will be in attendance!
Yup based on his call-in today whatever copy he eventually turns in will no doubt be sodden with the usual glib eye rolling snarkiness.
He was however firm on one memorable point, he marked out with due sincerity for Maureen Dowd's column in the New York Times. The Great Grey Lady's little Hag in Training need fear nothing from the famously biased Howard Fineman, she at least sleeps easier tonight.
Don and Howie just love her to on behalf of the other kewl kids at the table being a hallmark of terminal media whoredom.
I have to wonder though, why is Howard Fineman coming to tonight's speech?
Given the fact that his mind is completely made up in favor of the White House's spin, one wonders why he even bothers to show up?
Being a bad journalist and a worse columnist seems to involve quite a bit of pretense, showing up at events you'd normally disdain and pretend an interest in candidates you loathe.
If I see him I'll put in a good word for all of you....
But at any rate: Kerry in 2004!
Massachusetts First
Massachusetts Last
Massachusetts Always!

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