Thursday, September 11, 2003

If the radio is to be believed...

The "Massachusetts Victims" of 9-11 are gathering at the State House for a commemoration ceremony presided over by Governor Willard Mitt Romney.
To have lost a loved one on 9-11 is a soul shattering affair...but to be "comforted" by that chilly Kolobian viceroy has just got to be the last straw.
To be drowned in the carefully rehearsed, storebought, GOP inspected "sympathy" of this vain, unfeeling, ambitious man is naught but a burden to the survivors-I feel for them.
All the toneless rhetoric in the world from this pasty faced charlatan can't restore a familiar tread on the front stairs or restore a longed for voice.....
However, It's a known fact that most chronic onanists can't stand to be touched, so with any luck the bereaved will be spared gubernatorial hugs and face to face pep talks.
I've also heard from my impeccable State House Sources that the Governor had to be forcibly dissuaded from staging a boy's pie eating contest in the public gardens as part of the 9-11 anniversary.
Yes indeed, the Honor Guard from the Boston Fire Department would have laid aside their bagpipes and been pressed into service hosing off both winners and losers.
But that is only a rumor.
Better times are coming, I can feel it.

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