Tuesday, September 09, 2003

One thing is for damn sure...

           General Clark is IN this thing no question.
After watching Bush's maundering Nixonic speech Sunday night repleat with the familiar lies, evasions, stuttering, and gross political fantasies...I could feel Clark's "Bobby Kennedy moment" even from my remote fastness atop Middlesex County....
Clark is a fool if he doesn't jump in quite frankly...a well crafted well publicized speech and even sans organization and money he'll surge to #1 in N.H.
Trust me on this I can feel it...Clark's hour has struck.
Nobody has created the Clark candidacy except perhaps George Bush Jr. himself.
Ill at ease and reliant on paper-thin cliches in a crisis, sunday night's speech illustrates how little Bush has to fall back on in a crisis.
Indeed this was inevitable given the circumstances behind his selection as President in 2001.
Bush has always operated in an odd disturbing vacuum, the American people as far as the "war on terror" is concerned have been content to let him run amok, but this should not be confused with active consent of the governed.
Into that selfsame vacuum comes Clark, unburdened by a legislative record and with few enemies except the usual frothing columnists on the national scene.
A well staged announcement could shake up the race like Bobby Kennedy's famous "reassessment" in the spring of 1968.
After that it's a question of money and logistics...play those games well and he can knock Graham, Lieberman, and Edwards out before the first ballot in Iowa.
Now all you Deaniacs out there....listen up, if and when Clark gets in Kerry will take a potent polling hit, this I won't dispute.
But don't be surprised if Dean's momentum isn't stopped cold as well....the anti-war vote this time is soft and much pre-occupied with electability.
So look to your volunteers my friends, make sure they are sold on your guy solid cause' you are all gonna be doing a lot of cold weather lit drops in Manchester N.H. come January.

That is unless Kerry can talk him out of it...no doubt promises of the Pentagon, Foggy Bottom, the Vice Presidency or a nice new X-Box are in play....


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