Thursday, September 18, 2003

Stupid is as stupid governs...

Rumsfeld sez there is no discernible link between Al Queda and Saddam Hussein.
A line faithfully parroted by his most reliable henchman George W. Bush Jr. the current President of the United States.
It's sequences like this that force us to confront once again the unquiet notion that Bush is naught but the meat puppet of his advisors.
Putting that aside for the moment this kinda leaves Dick Cheney in the lurch doesn't it?
I mean he was bravely toe-ing the Admin line last Sunday on "Meet the Press" asserting Al Queda's links to Saddam...and then Rummie and the Chimp pull the rug out from under him.
Bad craziness indeed-the Kay Reports allegedly disputes the existence of Iraqi WMD's and now the Bush regime won't stand by the Baghdad-Bin Laden link.
Why did we go to war the world wonders?
If you asked me I'd say Rove and company are getting ready to replace Cheney on the 2004 ticket with some nice handsome unthreatening mediocrity like Mitt Romney or the late John Ritter.
And not for nothing, but Cheney is looking plain awful these days. He mumbles out of one side of his mouth like a stroke victim and his body language even seated, is eloquent of Parkinson's disease.
Of course Tim Russert can't bring himself to browbeat such a feeble old wretch, no Tim has to save that animosity for Wesley Clark or some other suitable victim.
Remember, Tim is the pimp who called Rummie "America's Stud" in the Reader's don't have to know anything else about Russert's journalistic objectivity other than that.
Mean while...back at the White House.
It's times like this that I recall a certain episode of "Gilligan's Island" with the simplest nostalgia.
In one of that show's trademark freak-out dream sequences, Gilligan imagines himself the hapless puppet dictator forced to dance and kneel at the command of Nehemiah Persoff.
I think Bush has that dream pretty much every night now....sometimes it's Condi pulling the strings, other times it's Rumsfeld but it is the same scenario night after night.
No wonder the First Lady slips out of the White House for solo vacations....


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