Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Bob Schieffer on Imus today...

I've decided that I liked Bob Schieffer better when he was sick with an uncertain future.
Now that he has recovered his health he feels free to phone in to the Imus in the Morning program and shamelessly parade his inner media whore sans let or hindrance.
We suffer when journalists loaf, invite their souls, and contemplate the big picture.
Herein, Bob has reflected on the modern crisis and has decided what is sorely needed is a revival of "the spirit of Reagan".
Since this is the sort of inanity that Imus loves, Bob was allowed to develop his thesis that congress is full of angry partisan hacks who could use a dose of Saint Ronald's calming don't-take-it-seriously-influence.
Well, we can all be a bit more polite, that is true...I'm just wondering if Bob has ever stopped to consider how many of those hacks political and journalistic came to DC on Reagan's coat-tails and simply never left???
Angry rightical chic icons Newt Gingrich, Trent Lott, John Ashcroft all came to power and eminence thanks to the patronage of Ronald Reagan. George Will, a classic Reagan toady who'd starve to death if he had to make his daily bread outside the beltway made his bones in the national media as an early Reaganolator.
NONE of these worthies who number in the thousands care a rat's ass about civility and comity...not when there is money to raised and liberals to stomp.
They like Ronnie, don't get me wrong, quite frankly they worship the man in a crude paganistic fashion...but like all true believers they wanna get the boot in and screw making nicey-nice with Tip O'Neill.
There is no "Reagan legacy" to be upheld any more than the New Frontier can be revived now in the twenty first century.
Reaganism belonged exclusively to the 1980's and the man's alleged courtesy and good manners cannot be grafted upon a new generation of politicians.
Because lets face it, today's multi million dollar political campaigns can't buy gentility or courtesy.

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