Thursday, June 10, 2004

Inside the mind of a conservative at the top of his game:

In the current issue of the Atlantic Monthly, the following quote(s) occur:

"Whenever the nation is under attack, from within or without, liberals always side with the enemy".
Ann Coulter, Treason.

To which that laughing young cavalier P.J. O'Rourke responds:

"Now there is a certain truth in what she says. But it's what's called a 'poetic truth".

Ghod is there a more dismal little prick on ghod's green earth than P.J. O'Rourke?
How much longer are well gonna hafta listen to this aging lardy Nixon Youth volunteer making these cutsy catty comments??
Tony Hendra had P.J. down pat in his memoir "Going too Far".
He describes the GOP humorist as an obnoxious servile toady at the National Lampoon who ascended the ladder to become an obnoxious unfunny editor at that publication.
And it's been nothing but roses for P.J. ever since.
As you can tell, old Elias can't stand the guy...maybe its those cheap shots he took at his neighbors in New Hampshire back in the early 1990s.
"Look at me I can make fun of the GOP's base I'M-A-HIP-STERRRR!"
The notion that he somehow with all due qualifications approves of Coulter's liberals=treason formulation is entirely unsurprising. I'm sure it's a notion that he has believed for a good long time now. No...he objects to Coulter's tactless vehemence at no point does he dare question the actual premise.
So really the only difference between Ann Coulter and P.J. O'Rourke is a degree of honesty...P.J. dissembles his liberal hatred, Ann wallows in it.
And yet at the end of the day they both get paid...wonderful post conservative civilization we are building...just wonderful.


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