Thursday, June 17, 2004

Laid Off....

Yup come July 30th unless there is some seismic shift in the phony-baloney company I work for, I'll be joining the ranks of the unemployed.
Well...c'est la guerre and all like that.
I managed to hold onto this job for a solid twelve years which is my personal best so far. Usually the powers that be wise up and give me the bum's rush after about a year or so.
Anyhow work is a vastly over-rated experience and I'm not alone in that opinion either. Most Americans regard sloth as a cardinal virtue in extremis. This nonsense about America worshipping the great protestant work ethic is naught but the crude propaganda we put out to entice unwary job-hungry foreigners to our shores.
Nope....sloth is an American's natural right.
Most of us only work in order to properly finance our leisure time and to maintain a comfortable pleasant subsistence.
In other words, we say we like hustling...but in reality we are just working for sloth.

Sloth is wrong you say, the enemy of creativity howl the Objectivists.

Hell, anyone with a grain of real creativity doesn't take it to work with them-not any more at least.
Thanks to the computer revolution fewer and fewer active minds are needed to guide a vast private sector company....fewer thinkers at the top in turn constrains creative thinking in the middle ranks and base.
I've noticed increasingly people with ideas and notions aren't using their creativity at work, they paint by numbers from nine to five and then skeedaddle to their gallery opening or jazz combo rehearsal.
The reasons for this aren't difficult to see, more and more big companies exercise vast and bizarre proprietary rights over content created at work....the solution to this is to leave one's creativity at home and play with it after hours.
This notion that the modern corporate economy with it's start ups is a digitally democratized workplace is utter nonsense...most start ups founder within a year and the computerization of work is not inherently democratic in nature anyway.
Mostly all that stuff is a precise means of delivering orders from on high and for monitoring compliance with the same.

So anyway...I'm thinking of buying a hammock.
I think I can hold out without raising a finger for at least a year-if I'm frugal and cancel all tractor-pulls and demolition derbies.
And by then who knows mass sanity might break out in the private sector.
I'm not holding my breath though.

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