Friday, April 21, 2006

Crude EMK on Larry King Blogging...

Edward Maximus was on Larry King last night. Generally situations like this are not to Senator Kennedy's advantage, but he came across as modest, well informed and definite about any topic under discussion.
He decried the "politics of fear" and made an important distinction between 9-11 and the Rovian politics of 9-11.
He proclaimed himself a "Politician of Hope" and then went into his usual stem-winder on pension reform, healthcare, high gas prices and the cost of education.
It was a pretty conprehensive review of what isn't being done, what is being done and what could be done if there was a real change in the leadership of this country.
On topics like this, Kennedy is a master, no-one can touch him. Debating legislation with him is a fool's errand...he has seen it all.
And after forty years in public life he has met them all, from Nikita Khrushchev to George Wallace, knows them all by program and anecdote.

He has a new book "America Back on Track" a collection of sensible and liberal proposals for the challenges to come....hence his current ubiquity on television.
Larry King was duly respectful, didn't ask any notable howlers this time. Teddy was cogent and declined to do any fulsome legislative rambling as he has been known to do.
EMK points with pride at his no vote for intervention in Iraq, and obliquely accuseds Rumsfeld of misleading the Senate Armed Services Committee in the lead up to the war.
Kennedy also warmly invited the President to get behind the senate immigration bill...but served it up with such a smile as to make a viewer think he was savoring Bush's 32% approval rating all the time.
Senator Kennedy has heard two generations of conservative ideologues proclaim the downfall of liberalism and the rise of a single ideology state.
And yet he abides.
Ah but Edward Maximus is no sneak, he does not need a bunch of pimpy young sociopathic brats in the media to tell him he is wonderful.
The Man is a Plain Thinker.
He also hinted his esteemed colleague John Kerry wants another shot at the White House.

Senator Kennedy is a treasure unto the Commonwealth, he is of course, fully endorsed by this blog for re-election in the fall.

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