Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Something stinks in the Corner Office at the State House...

it smells like, a spineless jellyfish left out in the sun way too maybe four years too long!
Ah yes who else could it be but our own Willard Mitt Romney who is happily signing the health care bill today and line-item vetoing the fee provisions tomorrow.
Hell he was FOR the $256 per person fee last week, denied it was a tax and lauded the whole package as a fast way to insure one and all on a cost effective basis.
He even wracked up an admiring column from Newsweek's Joantan Alter....ooohhh national plaudits, sweet manna from heaven for poor power hungry governor.
Then the calls came in from Spartansburg and Hooterville...the wowsers were not pleased, the fee was a tax they cried so Mitt drew himself up to his full height, thrust out his chin and fell to his knees pleading and begging.
And the crowning insult? The Governor itemized his objections to the fee in an op-ed piece that ran in the Wall Street Journal!
A more viceregal act of disdain cannot be imagined.
Ah but now this is the problem with Mitt, something the Scot Lehigh's out there don't understand, Romney is not in the end a reliable negotiating partner. he is too beholden to out of state interests and his own carnal ambitions to ever keep his word to anyone in Massachusetts.
If there are any authentic conservatives out there reading this, take a long hard look at the type of arrogance and grandstanding that Mitt Romney mistakes for leadership. Honestly you don't want any part of this guy, you'll need to get everything in writing from day one, his word isn't worth shit not with his ambition telling him how to screw you on a deal.
(Apologies to William S. Burroughs)
Now undoubtedly the legislature will over-ride the veto giving the Governor more fodder for his childish anti-Massachusetts tirades. However thanks to his last minute stab in the back the bureaucracy will be saddled with the administration of a program the Governor has officially disowned.
And that my friends is not good public policy.
Humble Elias thinks this bill was premature, the Commonwealth needed to have a thorough debate within and without the coming guberatorial campaign on the health care issue. Romney has nothing to declare but his bad intentions on the matter, it would've been instructive for the candidates to speak out on the matter.
Too late now I guess...

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