Monday, September 04, 2006


Looks like Chris, Tom & Deval are gearing up to end the primary campaign in a nice old fashioned democratic bloodbath over the issue of the income tax. Well that is just great, why don't we just HAND Kerry Healey a nice easy issue for the fall campaign on a silver platter and with a fresh muffin basket as well!
It ought to be axiomatic after four straight guberatorial losses that taxes are nothing anyone should be talking about when Labor Day rolls around.
Ah but the whole guberatorial crew is deep in the throes of that dreaded tropical fever known as "wanta-win"...all sorts of self destructive demagoguery will be indulged between now and the primary all of which will do naught but accrue to the benefit of that smug moocher, Kerry Healey.
Very well then, the Chimes at Midnight hardly casts a giant shadow over the process, Humble Elias can't stop anyone from doing what they feel they MUST do to win.
I can however gently suggestive to the state party that they ought to be formulating a vigorous and simple response to what is now going to be Kerry Healey's inevitable fall offensive on the subject of taxation.
I'd start with the fact that Kerry Healey's boss Mitt Romney raised $750 million dollars off of fee increases over the last four years...where was the Lieutenant Governor when the average car-owner, hunter and whatnot was being shaken down by the Viceroy's bureaucracy?

Phil if yer reading this, we need a response, better start crafting it now, and it had better be good...the state GOP is a wan wasted bunch but they can play that tax-paranoia thing like a klezmer virtuoso.

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