Friday, October 27, 2006

Supermitt to the Rescue?

The Viceroy seems to have awakened from his strange torpor, grunted, rolled over and hit the hustings on behalf of his embattled undertalented Lieutenant Governor "Scary" Kerry Healey.
He has been quoted as saying the following:
[Kerry Healey's]"campaign for governor is the most important governor's race in the country to me."
He said the same thing about the Florida Governor's race last week in his capacity as Chairman of the Republican Governor's Association.
And who knows what Romney means by important anyway, he has strange oracular tendencies, maybe he means it's important to him that Deval Patrick carry the day?
I think Scary Kerry is about to discover that Mitt Romney is no good working on anyone else's behalf. Being an entirely amateur do-it-yourself politician of pronounced superficial tendencies, Mitt is at his "best" only when he is serving his own interests.
Well wait til' the rest of the country finds that out I say.

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