Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Scary Kerry Healey's idea of making nice

is a TV commercial depicting a lone jogger mentally recapitulating a long series of talk-radio style distortions in respect of Deval Patrick's record.
Adlai Stevenson tried something like this in 1952, it was a last minute ad blitz called "I've switched, to Stevenson".
Apparently the whole thing was dreamed up by an advertising agency noted for it's soft sell cigarette commercials.
Of course, it didn't work.
Ike sandbagged Stevenson, but then Adlai was an honroable man who campaigned on the power of his ideas and his own prairie passion in defeat he had dignity.
Healey on the other hand has been wallowing in the gutter so long she looks like the Lost Miner of Hazard Kentucky. This last minute jogger commercial is the same old stalker ad nonsense dressed up in a track suit.
One thing that Scary Kerry has demonstrated time and again, is that she has no dignity, no ideas and precious little honor left.

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