Wednesday, May 02, 2007

According to Jeff Jacoby in Today's Globe...

the state has a perfect right to regulate consensual sex acts in the priavacy of one's home owing to the fearful possibility that incest could otherwise be legalized by activist courts.
Jeff then goes on praise former Senator Rich "High Pitched Rich" Santorum for his lonely iconoclastic stance against man-man,man-beast and man-lampost style sex. with me here for a moment...

If the state does have the authority and even the urgent necessity to regulate consensual sex acts in the home, does it not then follow that the government should also control the particular consequences of such acts?
For straight edge hetrosexuals this would mean that the state could also regulate how many children you have, what their genders shall be or take a much broader interest in how they are taught than has been the case up until now?
Hell, they could even introduce childbirth licensing....just like at the DMV.
To me...the one notion follows the other as night follows day.
Otherwise what it seems that Jeff is proposing is that sex regulation ought to be introduced over disliked minorities on behalf of an ultra-conservative minority of US voters. That is how I am reading today's column in the Globe.

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