Monday, May 28, 2007

Two more for the road....

Arkansas Governor and GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee thinks the shallow end of the pool isn't quite full enough. Accordingly, he has asserted that is "room for more" in the nine man republican presidential roster.
This is a not so veiled reference to Former Senator Fred Thompson and Ex-House Speaker Newt Gingrich who are rumored to be piling into the race for the White House.
That'll raise the republican field to some eleven contenders (and who knows we haven't gotten final word from Chuck Hagel or the bones of the late Bourke Hickenlooper), each more mediocre and bereft of ideas than the last.
Clearly, the only response to the existential blight of the republican party is to keep throwing ever more conservatives into the fray and hope someone morphs into Achilles overnight.
Just what adding two more drearly orthodox conservative nimrods to the ballot is supposed to do for the rest of us is a mystery indeed.
Fred Thompson is supposed to bring some Reaganesque tinseltown glamor to the race on the basis of his movie and TV career. It is just too bad he looks and sounds like an old shopworn bullfrog. It is hard to imagine Fred Thompson on horseback backing up Errol Flynn in "The Santa Fe Trail".
Gingrich on the other hand is a rock star, he is movement conservatism's idea of the Nitzschean super-man.
That is to say, Speaker Newt is vain, pushy, self righteous,shrill, neurotic and a smug insufferable troll as well.
Rock star...indeed, hell the man could tour as Newt Gingrich and his all Ex-Wife Band. He is also a veritable gaffe machine sooner or later he'll shoot his pie hole off in some appalling way over some issue over which he knows exactly nothing.
As I said, don't see what either of them bring to the table. Anyway, movement conservatism is dying in this country, it has promised itself to death and spent money like a gambler with a brain tumor.
Clearly the movement has decided to expire in a crowded noisy room full of as many quack doctors as possible.

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