Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Reverend Falwell R.I.P.

The easy thing to do here would be to dance on Jerry's grave...but the usual suspects are no doubt cruising local blogs looking for tantrum fodder, so why make it easy for them?
The lugubrious thing to do would be to memorialize Falwell on lines of "we shan't see his like again"...but the truth is, the Reverend was no one special, we've had earnest even fanatical political parsons from the earliest days of the Republic.
It is an easy racket and Falwell made a mint at it, built up a top rated religious TV show and university before his untimely death yesterday.
Few people in America have ever gone broke asserting the bible's superiority to the constitution and that therefore said book must be somehow written into law.
Meanwhile I'll always remember Falwell for his smug facial rictus and unerring aim at fundamentally bizarre targets like the teletubbies.

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