Thursday, May 10, 2007

Cheney in Iraq

The Veep sometimes does disquietingly presidential things, like give orders to the US armed forces (over which he has NO constitutional authority) or fly off to Baghdad to no doubt harangue our generals and jawbone a foreign government.
I think Cheney should stay in Iraq and proclaim himself King or Pillar of Fire on Earth, Lamp of the Revolution, Colonel in Chief or some such thing. With that hateful sneer of his and that well known penchant for tough talk and easy recourse to torture Dick Cheney is, in many ways the very model of a Arab Dictator in the making.
Okay...dat was rough, but honestly Cheney would look quite at home in a burnoose snarling threats from the podium at the U.N.
And another thing, if everything is on the upswing in Iraq how come the Veep doesn't bring along some of the war party's biggest mouthpieces like Jeff Jacoby, Laura Ingraham or Sean Hannity? They could stroll thru the markets of old Baghdad and see for themselves all the "progress" that we are making.
Ah don't rightly understand what is stopping them since the news out of Iraq is so uniformly good these days...or so the White House sez.

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