Thursday, May 24, 2007

Is there is some way we can deport Romney?

Or legally run him out of town on a rail?

Honestly, the leaves haven't even turned yet and he is already bashing the Commonwealth in commercials that will no doubt be beamed into Southern NH via Boston television stations.
I say it's time for the former Viceroy to put up or shut up, if he HATES Massachusetts so damn much, let him decamp for Royal Oak Michigan or Epsom Circle New Hampshire.
And if he won't go voluntarily, let us all chip in and buy him a ticket!
It is all very appalling and utterly predictable, the man has the mentality of a middle school bully.
I'm under no illusions here though, vast fortunes have been made in the barbaric lands over the Berkshires via Massachusetts-bashing, as a means to enrage the GOP base it's a sound tactic.
But it's all so damn childish...and anyway aren't we all sick of the boy man we've already got in White House?

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