Tuesday, August 24, 2010

This is just hilarious...

Mitt Romney is making a twenty five state mid term election trip this fall.

There are two things I know about Citizen Romney the Commonwealth's former Viceroy;
1.) The more voters seen of him the less they like him. Proof of that lies in the unctuous yet servil two minute long campaign commercials that likely lost him the New Hampshire Primary in 2008. He is still the same cold arrogant opportunistic rich man that the GOP rejected back then, no amount of "message tinkering" can change that. He is not and never will be "a people person".

2.) Mitt cannot withstand the slightest pressure from the right. Having risen to prominence in Massachusetts where movement conservatism is a wan wasted thing. Here he could afford to be the right wing gold standard, but out the national hustings it's a different electorate given to bizarre religious fixations and paranoid political ideations. At the moment Brand Romney is all about job creation and phoney deficit hawkery, but give him a month on the GOP chicken dinner circuit and he will come out for Locking up all queers and shooting the poor on sight. Don't look for courage from Mitt Romney especially when if it demands defiance of a powerful cohort from within the republican party.

So by October, we can expect Romney's popularity to drop to the mid thirties as he finishes off his campaign tour as the Bitch of the Tea Partei.

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