Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Dude give us some context...

Brian McGrory gets all David Broderish on us when Jim Ready gets into an unfortunate spat with GOP congressional candidate Sean Bielat.
Waalll ah swan...If Barney Frank has a sarcastic edge to him it's in part because Tea Partiers think nothing about shaking their fists and calling the long serving congressman a "homo" to his face.
This happened back in March of this year, I don't recall Brian McGrory taking any note of this loutish N.A.W.A.C. tinged event.
Big surprise there...
Which is not to say that what Jim Ready did was right, rule #1 in big time politics is never let your emotions get the better of you when the cameras are running.
But then a word to the wise is sufficient...except in Brian McGory's case I guess.

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