Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Adlertag in the Commonwealth (or HST = DP)

Two years into a world wide economic recession...

Eleven months after a senatorial special election that ended in disaster for the Democrats of Massachusetts...

In a state where he was polling badly against whooping cough and the Potato blight...

And against a national tide that was dead set against the democratic party...

Deval Patrick, that liberal, has smashed his way thru re-election.
As far as I am concerned the Governor is the very incarnation of Harry S. Truman rated a "gone gosling" in January of 1948 and yet he finished Uber Alles come November.
Say what you like about Patrick, but he kept his head when everyone else was running for the fallout shelters....and victory has been his reward.

Tomorrow I'll try and break it down, but for tonight, let us savor the only thing rarer than a landside and that is an upset...

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