Friday, November 26, 2010

"These knuckleheads know We Have The Bomb...."


Like lots of bombs...More bombs than money at this point quite frankly.

Geez does this thing in Korea mean that Barack Obama is Harry S. Truman after all?

Well what of it?
 I suspect that Komrade Kim is trying to teach the otherwise anonymous mook he claims is his Son and Heir that some judicious military mayhem always keeps the crackers at a wary distance.
Still I have to laugh, the last remaining cover-to-cover Stalinist State in the Whole World is reduced to the medieval notion of primogeniture to recruit sucessors to the Office of Supreme Swank.
That and the perfect uselessness of the P.R.C. in a crisis, they seem to have less chain to yank in Pyongyang than we do.
An inauspicious omen for a supposed Superpower on the Make.

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