Friday, November 05, 2010

So the democrats lost control of the US House?

To a bunch of raving Tea Partei Crazies? Well...thats bad news, as bad as the news is for the democrats it may turn out to be infinitely worse for John Boehner and the establishment GOP. My thesis here is simple, The GOP cannot survive half Tea Partei and half Free, a house divided against itself cannot stand to quote the First (and best) republican.
Remember this when the back bench in the House votes to abolish the law of gravity and tries to annex the planet Mars via congressional Bill of Attainder.
Meanwhile corrupt power-hungry political insider and Tea Partei activist Dick Armey is quoted as saying the following in the Boston Globe today: “The defining influence electorally in America is we are tired of big-shot insiders taking care of themselves and one another,’’
Nigh perfect hilarity...This would be the same Dick Armey who had his snout so deep in the public trough he was snorting up splinters for his entire career as a boodler and a congressman. Whatever else, this congress will furnish Humble Elias with reams of material going forward.

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