Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Just for the record....

(Vis a vis the President's new children's book and the inevitable pseudo controversy ) It is very likely, based on the testimony of the surviving Indian combatants that Sitting Bull was not present on the battlefield at the Little Big Horn.
So calling the Indian Leader Custer's "murderer" is pure hyperbole.

Granted old Sitting Bull was spoiling for a fight and ginnin' up every brave for a show-down within earshot...but did he personally send Colonel Custer for the terminal dirt nap?
And anyway what is all this megillah about?
Sitting Bull's total personal body-count of US Soldiers is miniscule next to the piles of corpses wracked up by that drawling kindly saint on horseback General Robert E. Lee.
There are statues to that man who broke his sworn oath to defend the US Constitution all over the place.
Shit half the newly minted congressmooks in the US House probably regard Lee that traitor, as a hero.

So whats da beef I ask you?

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