Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Y'know it is fascinating...

the way today's conservative's (especially the bumptious patriotic types) are willing to pay exactly nothing to ensure the survival and success of liberty.
Shee-it, the next congress has just been crammed with raving blinky dingbats who will go to the mats to preserve deficit-bursting tax cuts.  Apparently nobody on the US Right wants to man up and pay for Bush's wars with dignity.
Hell the Boston Herald Columnists and Tawk Show Hosts of this world won't even sit still for a police style pat down at the airport a month or so after an attempt to place time bombs aboard US bound cargo jets.
Oh but watch how these pampered twits will roar if terrorism rears it's head again on US soil, you can forget about rallying around the flag with this lot, they'll be bellowing for impeachment and mob rule count on it.
And these people call themselves patriots, first and foremost, good ghod!

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