Don't underestimate Scott Brown or Deval Patrick.
Beyond that I'm proud to say I've learned damn near nothing.
In truth it was a difficult year in politics and in real life, the economic crisis remains acute and the same old jerks with the same sources of money wanna do the same things in the patently insane belief that it all all end differently this time.
Well good luck to them all with that project...May they have in 2011 what I got in 2010
Meanwhile...this is just churlish.
Joe DeNucci the state auditor (a man who clouded the air with dire predictions as to the buncombe that was the Big Dig's cost estimates) is stepping down in a few days, so of course, Jeff Jacoby tries to get the boot in on a seventy year old man who is half out the door.
Class all the way Jeff, class all the way.
I dunno, is Jeff really ready for the vacant throne of David Brudnoy? Partisan hatchet jobs like this make me think that Jacoby just doesn't have the innate dignity to be Conservative Public Intellectual. He might wanna take a flyer on AM radio, he can rant and rave about the laziness of toll booth attendants after the farm report.
The standards are lower, the money is better and that whole George Will act is nothing but a lot of rubbish anyway....Drive Time is the way to go Jeff.
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