Friday, December 31, 2010

Bloomberg can't run for President

if he can't even get the boroughs of New York adequately plowed after a blizzard.
And all protestations to the contrary, Bloomie would luv to run for President on some 3rd partei "Love me, I'm a moderate" ticket, sort of a Ross Perot thingie sans the insanity.
Its for sure, Bloomie can't make any headway in the GOP primaries (he might though, strike some sparks in New Hampshire), and the democratic nomination is officially closed off so a independent candidacy is his only option.
Fer sher he can pay for such a kamikaze gig...but bad news from Fun City tends to undercut that "busy effective technocrat" image. It was the same with John Lindsay, by the time he ran for President (as a democrat no less) the acculmulation of public sector strikes, tumult in the public schools and unplowed streets in NYC made him look like the luckless mayor of an ungovernable urban mess.
Take heed Mayor Bloomberg....Take heed.

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