Sunday, November 06, 2011


Peter Canellos, who is normally the executive editor of the Boston Globe's editorial devoted a considerable amount of time and effort to an argument in favor of retaining Scott Brown in the US Senate on the grounds that he is "a moderate".
I would link to the specific op-ed, but Morrissey Boulevard is playin' for keepsies these days.
So this guy is the source of the Globe's strange mission to bang the pots for the cold grey corpse of moderate republicanism.
Of course, the problem with this thesis is simple, Scott is not a moderate republican, he in reality a sort of fireman, that is he publicly pours cold water on the embers of any good idea in Washington DC when he isn't strenuously diluting the potent brew of justice.
And for this "ganymede act" Senator Brown collects boffo bucks from Wall Street, assuming he can avoid eating babies or coming out for free hookers this is enough to pass as a "moderate" in the eyes of the Boston Globe.
As I've said before, the whole moderate republican thing is pretty much a fundraising flag of convenience and a pose by which to stultify the senses of the susceptible members of the punditariat, nothing more.
Scott Brown figured that out long ago, he does not need to give up much to receive such plaudits, you'd think the Globe would catch on, but no...this is the just about the ten thousandth Sunday in a row where some Globe columnist has gone sighing helplessly after the still silent spirit of Wendell Willkie.

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