Thursday, June 28, 2018

In the past 24 hours...

Three more members of Charlie "Lumpy" Baker's State Police Force have been indicted by the Federales for chi$eling overtime pay.   But don't worry, Our Governor and his Picked State Police Commander are Right On Top of the Situation, They are Reading the Boston Globe Every Day to Keep Up!
Baker's strategy here seems at once cynical and inept, he's gonna spend the summer cutting as many ribbons as possible and leave cleaning the crooks and jobbers out of the State Police to the US Attorney with the pious HOPE that none of the resulting political effluvia gets on him.
I think its a forlorn hope, but this is Massachusetts we are talking about, when it comes to Law Enforcement, Democrats don't want to appear "anti public sector union", the GOP can't let daylight get between them & law enforcement as a literal point of theology.
Now at this point, I usually rant and rave about Governor Baker's cynicism and hypocrisy, but events are moving fast out there in many unrelated sectors and mere invective while fun is never the answer.
So I'll end by noting that when Adlai Stevenson ran for Governor of Illinois he made cleaning up it's scandal ridden state police force a top priority. And by ghod he did in four short years he fired some crooks, pensioned off the jobbers, raised standards and saw to it that discipline was enforced.
THAT is the kind of Governor we need now, and we don't have one quite frankly.  So if there is a democrat out there willing to take a deep breath and address with issue with force and candor, I'd love to hear from them....believe me, I will be listening.

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