Wednesday, June 27, 2018

"Me Ne Frego"

"I could have proclaimed a dictatorship. I could have formed a dictatorial ministry composed solely of Fascisti on the type of the Directory formed in France at the time of the Convention.  The Fascist Revolution, however, had its unique characteristics; it had no antecedent in history.  It was different from any other revolution also in its capacity to re-enter, with deliberate intent, legal, established traditions and forms"
"My Autobiography" 1928, Benito Mussolini.

I don't often traffic in the use of "Fascist" or "Nazi" as a political epithet (George Orwell asserts both words were worn out as terminology by 1940, likely he was right), I myself have maybe met two people in my fifty five years who by sheer impudence and unabashed racism constituted fascistic personalities.
That having been said, as a general category Mussolini does point out the authentic need for Non-Marxist Authoritarians to cloak their malevolent plans in tattered constitutional rags and patches.  They all always assert they are preserving what they truly wish to destroy...and by this play of public reaction formation you can always indentify them without fail.
Moreover, the initial work of authoritarians is purely that of destruction, of the rule of law, the right to vote, constitutional norms institutions real & intangible, all must be annihilated before the real work of building a  dictatorship can begin.  The speed and scope of the destruction is governed by the innate strength of the institutions and the determination and unity of the opposition. If it goes well for them, your freedoms go quickly, so my point is, don't make it easy for them is rule #1.

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