Monday, July 26, 2004

Jay Severin on Imus today...

Humble Elias is gonna need help on this one kids.
Jay was on Imus this full rant mode...I mean, foaming at the mouth.
Blind is his hatred for John Kerry and perhaps the very concept of democracy itself...but did anyone else hear him "tell" Senator Kerry to"stay out" of some park somewhere?
Was it Fenway? Cause it looked like Kerry was having a good time last night as the Sox jumped ugly on the Yankees...
Severin's tone hardly suggested a word to the wise to the Secret was to me more than a bit threatening.
Well, I freely admit the exact "park" Jay was talking about escaped me...but then Severin has this raspy untrained little voice ill suited to radio.
And he blurted it out quickly before rushing on to other I didn't catch the exact location.
Anyone with an authoritative transcript should send me a note at
Or just forward the whole thing to the Secret Service let them evaluate it...after all homeland security is everyone's responsibility.
And another thing...Jay claimed that he was broadcasting today from 96.9 WTKK FM talk's "studios"...can anyone out there confirm this?
Or is Jay just calling it in from his plush home in suburban New York again?
Anyone who sights Jay within metropolitan Boston drop me a little note at
The point is...tawk radio tyrants can just about say anything can't they?
Lie about being "live and local"...snarl threats at presidential candidates...just do anything they want?
Their power goes every day directly at the expense of a democratic polity.
Lying has malign consequences for everyone else from the President of the US on down...lying for today's rightical chic radio tyrants is naught but a fast track to a big pay day.
Think about that....

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