Wednesday, July 07, 2004

My slanguage hijacked...

Robert Kuttner in his syndicated column (which appears in today's Boston Globe) uses the term "punditariat" when describing the DC press establishment.
I dreamed up the neologism"punditariat"-I could use a citation here thank you very much!
Been tossing it around on the Bartcop board for a few years now as well on this very blog.
I wouldn't mind so much except a big name blogger who shall remain nameless chided me once for using it in a private e-mail.
This big-time blogger just didn't dig my new term of contempt.
Nonetheless, I love that little word, it neatly encapsulates the perennial state of false consciousness that infects the op-ed class-especially when these over paid yobs presume to speak for "ordinary average Americans".
So there is a slight whiff of class warfare in my use of the term.
Well what the hell, Bob Kuttner is welcome to it, he is only appropriating material I dreamed up three years ago...I moved on to other more beguiling stuff since then.
But Bob (can I call you Bob?) if you are somehow reading this, I AM in the market for a new job big guy. I got plenty more material where "punditariat" came from all priced to move in these summer doldrums!
Drop me a little ringy-dingy if'n yer interested!

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