Friday, July 30, 2004

The Speech of His Life...or "Mist' Kerry comin' wid his chariot..."

They always call the democratic challenger's acceptance oration "the most important speech he-she-it will ever give"...
This is because most pundits have unconsciously internalized the notion of conservative omnipotence, thus they must hype the sheer daunting task set before the candidate.
In the good old days of Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson, candidates didn't personally accept the nomination at the convention. Some party notables would drop by his house a month later to inform the poor luckless bastard that the destiny of a growing republic rested on his shoulders.
There would then be a short speech of gratitude and the fight was on.
We are so past that it is like hominids contemplating fossilized trilobites.
Nonetheless it was a good speech last night from Senator Kerry.
For a guy with a complicated resume that doesn't initially resonate with the common man, Kerry did a good job of drawing simple straight lines from his autobiographical facts to the values his candidacy embodies and on to the policies he hopes to implement.
Kerry sounded a thoroughly Wilsonian note on matters economic, ergo that he wants to do right by those on the make rather than those already made.
He also made the necessary Clintonian noises on fiscal issues and bound it all up in a promise of hope, vigor, and resolution.
Kerry was earnest, declarative and entirely sincere.
It was no "Cross of Gold" effusion but it was honest and unpretentious.
We could all use a bit of that in the White House.

All I really know about John Kerry is the admonition a dying Uncle gave me in 1982 to "Stick with Kerry, he is goin' places"...and Uncle Thomas was no flaming democrat by any means.
Remember this, when the klaxon goes off, and the moment of maximum peril has arrived, John Kerry only needed one bullet.
That speaks to a power of decision not available to the George Bush's of this world.
There are a lot of people out there, pundits, ideological warriors and the like, who think John Kerry is a liberal weenie therefore easily beaten in a general election.
I remind these solons, the John Keller's and Brian McGrory's of the fourth estate that the political grave yards of this Commonwealth are full of people who thought John Kerry would be easily jacked up.
Tell that to Senators Weld, Shamie, and Rappaport.
But don't tell it to Bush, he will find out soon enough.

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